Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Easter 2018

We had an awesome Easter this year. I loved having General Conference the same weekend, and our kids were also on spring break. I always like getting the kids dressed up a little more for Easter Sunday, but since we didn't have church, we got all dressed up the week before. :) I made this little dress for Molly and I really love how it turned out:

The kids all looked so cute dressed up. On a stroke of random luck, I came across some cute gingham shoes for Molly that happened to match her brothers' bowties!

Getting four kids to stand still is never an easy feat!

The Saturday before Easter we went to our favorite city egg hunt. Molly was excited to put about 5 eggs in her basket and then she got frustrated because she just wanted to open them.

Davis actually made a killing and collected the most eggs! I didn't get any pics of the other boys during the egg hunt because we had to divide an conquer since they were all in different sections this year.

Egg dyeing 

 Easter was a great day. We enjoyed staying in pjs and watching conference, and the kids had lots of snacks thanks to a visit from the Easter Bunny.

We had a yummy Easter dinner and finished it off with our traditional strawberry shortcake!

And finally, I am just adding this picture of Molly and Sean the day of the egg hunt because I love it so much!

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