Monday, July 23, 2018

Gran Fondo Logan trip

Sean has recently gotten into cycling and decided to sign up for his first organized race. He signed up for the Gran Fondo in Logan for the 53 miler and we decided to make a little family trip out of it. 

The night before the race we went out to dinner at a yummy place called Copper Mill and loved it! Afterward we decided to head to the Aggie ice cream shop to see how it compared to the BYU Creamery. 

We all liked our ice cream, but remain loyal to BYU and think it is the winner in this battle.

The boys loved swimming at our hotel and they had the entire pool to themselves, which I feel like NEVER happens anywhere in Utah. 

We typically still opt to get just one hotel room and with two queen beds, the boys all slept in one. I loved waking up the next morning and seeing them all together.

The kids and I waited for Sean at the finish line. It was fun being on the other side of things this time around!

He made it! And he did really well and said he had a great time. I'm really proud of him.

After a little shopping, we headed to the cemetery to visit my grandparents' graves. We brought petunias because they always remind me of my grandma and the petunias she would plant every year in her huge flower boxes that lined her porch. I miss her.

The night before we went to the cemetery, Bode said in our family prayer, "Please bless great grandma will be able to visit us tomorrow." I thought that was such a sweet thing to pray for. I don't know if she was there or not, but hopefully she knew we were thinking of her and knows she is loved very much. 

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