Thursday, February 28, 2019

Davis's first ski day!

We decided this was the year for Davis to start skiing and we took a family ski trip up to Brighton in mid-December (minus Molly). We weren't sure how Davis would like skiing in the beginning, just because typically he does not enjoy being outside in the cold and sometimes he takes a bit of persuading to do things like go sledding. Sean decided to work with him one-on-one on the bunny hill, while Jackson, Bode, and I skied together. Davis ended up doing really well! He was a bit apprehensive at first, but got into a groove and said he liked it, so we consider it a win! 

He looked so cute all geared up!

One of my very favorite things in the world is to ski with my family. I hate seeing my kids grow up, but I do look forward to when all of us are able to ski together and take family ski trips. Those are some of my fondest memories of growing up. 

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