Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Fall break in Idaho Falls and Island Park

After traveling to Oregon as a family, and Sean and I going to Europe pretty recently, we wanted a laid back, easy fall break. I really wanted to go home to Idaho Falls and spend some time. I don't feel like I get much time there. Most times we are headed to the cabin, so I thought it would be fun to spend a few days there before heading up to Island Park for the weekend. The kids and I headed to Idaho Falls on Wednesday and Sean drove up and joined us on the weekend. 

The kids and I had such a great time just hanging out in Idaho Falls with my parents. We walked around the green belt, visited a pumpkin patch, went to the mall and a few other stores, went out to eat, and hung out with cousins and John and Sylvia. It was just the laid back break we were looking for. 

I promised Molly we would put new batteries in one of my old dolls to see if she still lit up-- and surprise, she did! Molly loved the doll and named her PJ. She loved her so much, I let her bring her home and she continues to play with the doll nearly every day. It's fun seeing her playing with something that was mine when I was a little girl!

On Friday night Sean joined us and we drove up to the cabin. The first part of Saturday was good weather, and then a big winter storm rolled in that afternoon. That morning we hung around the cabin and the boys shot the pellet gun with my dad. We had plans to go into Yellowstone, but it was closed because of the roads (which were dry at that point, but definitely weren't a few hours later!) We drove up to Big Sky instead to show the kids since they had never been there. We walked around the lodge, which was completely empty while they are doing some renovations. We are hoping to take a family ski trip there this winter. We were excited to see the snow and it ended up snowing about 5" by the time we made it back to the cabin! 

I may have lived in Utah half of my life now, but Idaho will always feel like home. I love going home because I feel like I am at ease and gain perspective. It was just the break we were looking for!

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