Sunday, January 19, 2020

Christmas Day 2019

We continued the tradition of going to the Heinholds' house on Christmas Eve for dinner and coming home and letting the kids open one present. They always open their gift from John and Sylvia. They love this tradition! 

This year Molly got a new wiggle car with wheels that light up! The boys each got this year's new Hess truck and had fun playing with them before bed. 

And just like that it was Christmas morning! Sean and I love laying in bed and hearing the kids when they get up and their excitement when they discover Santa has come. I think it is one of the most fun parts of being a parent. Santa did, indeed, come!

Each of the kids got a new scooter and they did get a Nintendo Switch and Molly got her bouncy unicorn!

My parents drove up in the afternoon and we had dinner together and enjoyed having them stay with us. Dinner wasn't as smooth sailing as I would have liked, but I am going to be better prepared for next year, haha! My mom and I's attempt at gluten free gravy didn't go so well and I am still laughing about how bad it was! The prime rib also took a lot longer to cook than the recipe said and I dropped it on the floor one of the times I was checking the temperature of it and then almost overcooked it! In the end it all came together and was great (even without gravy for the mashed potatoes) and I am laughing about it.

Molly was so worn out from all of the excitement of the day, and truly probably all of December, she asked to go to bed early and fell asleep hugging her new stuffed animal from her friend Hayes.

We did have a really great Christmas this year and I went to bed feeling happy and grateful for my family and all of our blessings. 

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