Friday, June 26, 2020

Lots of hiking!

With travel being sort of limited and less options for other entertainment available, we have turned to the great outdoors even more than usual, which is already quite a bit for our family! We've enjoyed taking several hikes over these past few months. We are lucky to live somewhere with such varied terrain and with so many trails nearby. I am so glad our entire family enjoys hiking. It is one of my very favorite things to do together. Here are some of the hikes we've taken (in addition to the other places I've already posted).
Big Springs Trail above Vivian Park

I took this picture of Bode right before he leaped across the stream onto a little island. He made it to the island, but lost his footing and did a backwards somersault into the water! haha

Bear Creek Trail above Mutual Dell

Silver Lake  
This was the most gorgeous day for a hike. Hardly anyone around and so beautiful! The kids loved climbing on the big boulders and skipping rocks at the end.

Northfork Park Waterfall with the Heinholds in Eden, UT

Scout Falls with the Grays
This is one of our very favorite hikes and the earliest in the season we had ever hiked it. It was by far the most water we have ever seen at the falls!

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