Sunday, September 13, 2020

Comet Neowise

Our family decided to take a trip to northern Idaho at the end of July and we used Island Park as our pit stop on the drive up. The night we stayed in Island Park, we drove out to the meadows near my parents' cabin to see if we could see Comet Neowise. We had the perfect night for it! It was clear, no moon, and very little light pollution. We were able to see the comet really well and it was so cool! It's amazing how many stars you can see in Island Park. My dad and I had fun taking a stab at astrophotography and propped our cameras up on the hood of his truck for the long exposures. We were really excited when some of the shots turned out! It is a night I will fondly remember for the rest of my life, I think. 

Sawtell is on the bottom left of the photo with the little red dot on top.

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