Saturday, November 6, 2021

Spring sports round up 2021

Spring is definitely one of the busiest times of the year for us because of sports. This spring was no exception. We had three different baseball teams, lacrosse, three different soccer teams, and tennis all in the mix. We spent pretty much every night on a field or court somewhere.  I'm glad the kids enjoy sports and I really do enjoy watching them play. I will admit though, I am always a bit relieved when the season is over and things slow down a bit and dinnertime becomes a little easier to manage. Here are some pictures in no particular order from all of the spring sports this year.

Jackson lacrosse
These boys had a great season and Jackson continues to improve and is having a lot of fun. He started playing "D-pole" part time during some of the games this spring and enjoyed it.

Jackson tennis

Jackson decided to try out tennis this spring and had a great time. He ended up taking first place with his friend Braylon in the Jr. Varsity doubles tournament. Not too bad considering it was his first season!

Molly soccer

Molly continued soccer this spring and loved it! She has really come out of her shell and isn't afraid to get in there and get the ball. She almost always scored at least one goal each game. She loved her coach, Heather, and being on a team with some of her friends!

Bode soccer
Bo continued his season with the same team he's been playing with for years and loves. They had another great season and I think won all of their games except maybe one? Bode did awesome all season. Soccer is one of his best sports I think. He's so fast and one of the top scorers for his team. Their team is so fun to watch and they play really well together. 

Bode baseball
This was Bode's second year in the minors playing with the Angels. This team is awesome! They won almost every game. Bode had a heck of a season. His team nicknamed him "Babe Ruth" because he hit so many home runs. He also pitched a lot and did very well. Their team made it to the state tournament, which was a fun accomplishment.

I have to include these pictures of Molly all dressed up and ready to go watch Bode's baseball. :) She's got her sunnies and her wallet ready so she can head to the snack shack. 

Davis soccer
Somehow these are the only decent pictures I got of Davis and his soccer team. Another fun season with his friends!

Davis baseball
Davis had a blast playing on the Rookies Angels for his second year. He loved having his dad as his coach again and having lots of friends on his team. Davis did great and you could always count on him to hit!

Jackson baseball
Jackson had a fantastic season in baseball this spring. His team started off a bit rough, not winning many games, but his coach really worked hard with the boys and they turned it around a few games in and ended up making it to the state tournament and taking 3rd! It was so awesome! Jackson played short stop and pitcher and made several really impressive plays this season in both positions. He also had a lot of big hits, which was really fun to watch. He thinks this was probably his last season, so it was great to go out on a high note!

Thankful for the coaches who make these types of opportunities possible for our kids!

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