Friday, March 10, 2023

Jackson Mountain biking team second season

Jackson woke up early all summer long to go to Jr. Devo practice (mountain biking). I was so impressed with him getting up without complaint and he really enjoyed his second season on the team. We got him a new bike this year, which he was really excited about. At the end of the season there were three races and he was able to compete in all of them. He had a fantastic racing season this year!


Manti was Jackson's favorite race this year and he did so well! He ended up getting 13th place, which is huge considering there are hundreds of kids competing. We had a good laugh at the hotel we stayed at. Homemade decorations all around and definitely not "plush" in any sense of the word! 

Snow Basin

Snow Basin was next in the race line up. I was really impressed with all of the kids competing because this is not an easy course. The beginning is a super steep incline up the mountain. Jackson had another great race and took 20th place.


The last race of the season was in Price. Jackson also really loved this course and it was his second favorite. He finished 19th, which means he had top 20 finishes in all three races this year. I was really proud of him and all of his hard work! These races are not easy by any means and these kids ought to be super proud!

Loved having these weekends with Jackson and the extra one-on-one time together. He's such a great kid!

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