Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Fall sports round up

With fall came another round of sports and very busy schedules. Molly played soccer on an all-girls 1st grade team. She also got to do the mini cavettes dance camp and perform at halftime during one of the high school varsity football games!

Davis stayed busy by playing on his same soccer team. They had a great season! He also had a blast playing flag football, but for some reason I don't have any pictures.

Bode had sort of given up soccer in order to play football with less conflicts, but a AA NUCS soccer team ended up offering him a spot on the team and he took it. I let the coach know he would miss a lot, but they still wanted him on the team, so that was fun for him to still get to play soccer. His team we loved broke up last summer, but he was still able to play with a couple of his friends from the old team. 

This fall meant lots and lots of football. Bode loved football this year. He made the A team again and they had an amazing season. Sean also helped as an assistant coach, which was busy, but fun for Bode. Conditioning all summer, lots of practices, and lots of games. The boys ended up winning the 6A championship which is a huge deal! Very proud of all of them and their hard work. It was such a fun season to watch. Bode played safety and kicker and did a great job at both.

For Jackson, he finished up his 2nd mountain biking season this fall, and also played tennis, and lacrosse. He continues to make lots of progress in all three! His growth in tennis is pretty impressive and their lacrosse team had a really good fall season. 

His arms are always black and blue during lax season!

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