Thursday, October 5, 2023

Annual gingerbread houses and other Christmas things

Decorating gingerbread houses is always a highlight of the season. The kids worked hard on their houses this year and they turned out really cute. I have a system down to having all of the houses ready to just assemble beforehand so it makes the night much more enjoyable on my end, too!

I had to take a picture from behind because Charlie is in his classic position.

We had our annual breakfast at Little America and then walked the windows at the Grand America. We have taken a picture of these cousins in front of the giant gingerbread house every year for many years!

I was able to attend the Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert with my mom this year and it was really fun to go with just she and I. The music is always such an awesome way to get into the Christmas spirit. 

We also went to Luminaria with the Heinholds again this year. Always fun seeing all of the lights and getting hot chocolate and cider! 

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