Thursday, October 5, 2023

Davis turns 9!

Davis is 9!

We had a big birthday party for Davis about a week before his actual birthday since it was so close to Thanksgiving. We reserved the church gym and had the boys do competitions for prizes and played the big Saran Wrap ball game. I think the boys had a great time. There were a few kids who ended up shedding some tears of disappointment when they didn't win, but overall it was great. 

On Davis's actual birthday he chose to go to Tucanos for dinner. After that, it was home for presents and cake! He got the double shot basketball hoop and basketball shoes he wanted. 

We sure love our Davis. Such a great kid and we are so lucky to have him in our family. He never asks for much, is easy going, smart, loves to pretend like he's asleep so he'll get carried, can make friends with just about anyone, and loves playing all types of games with family and friends.

Davis's 9-year-old questionnaire:


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