Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Jackson started kindergarten today! He's been so excited and couldn't wait for school to start. As it is with kids growing up, it was bittersweet for me. I am so excited for him and love seeing him learn and progress, while at the same time ache at the thought that he is growing up and I have to let him go just a little bit. He's such a great kid and I know he will do great. When we got home, he couldn't stop talking about how much he loved today. 

I did have a mom fail when I picked him up late because I thought he got out 15 minutes later! I must have been thinking of his preschool schedule last year. I was only 5 minutes late and he was the last kid there! Oops. Luckily, he didn't seem phased by it. 

Of course I had to whip out the camera for some first-day pictures. 

He's looking so grown up! Here's to a great school year!

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