Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pioneer Day Parade and another trip to Island Park

We try to make a few trips up to Island Park in the summer because it is our favorite time of year up there. On our way there this time, we stopped in St. Anthony for the Pioneer Day parade. My dad sometimes drives his 1915 Model T, and Jackson and Bode got to ride along and throw candy this year.

The boys helped pick out the candy the night before and they were SO excited. They couldn't believe how much there was!

Lined up and ready to go!

Sean rode with the boys and my dad, and my mom, Davis, and I watched the parade from a little shady spot we found. 

The St. Anthony Pioneer Day Parade is what every parade should be, in my opinion. Tons of candy, and tons of actual floats where a lot of effort has been taken to create them!

Plus, they had cool stuff like girls standing up on the backside of two horses, ;)

…camels wearing patriotic hats,

…and giant shopping carts!

Unfortunately the Model T had some overheating issues so they didn't make it through the entire parade route (and of course my mom and I were seated at the end), but I was able to run down a block and see them before they pulled over. The boys had so much fun and felt so cool that they got to actually be in the parade in grandpa's cool car.

After the parade, we continued north to Island Park. I am always impressed with how beautiful this section of Idaho is during this time of year. The view of the Tetons was so pretty that day.

We took the scenic back way to Island Park and made a short stop at lower Mesa Falls. 

The next morning we headed into Yellowstone to take the Mystic Falls hike. On our way to the trail head we saw some pretty cool pools.

This "Sapphire Pool" was amazing. Such an awesome color and the water was crystal clear and DEEP. Somehow, in my many trips to Yellowstone I had never seen it.

On the trail

 The hike was perfect for the kids. It wasn't too long or steep (even though I managed to eat it), and the waterfalls were really cool.

Davis was his usual happy self :)

After our hike we did a little exploring and came across White Dome Geyser right as it was going off. It was another first for us and it was awesome!

The next few days we did the usual: riding four wheelers, getting in the hot tub, going into West Yellowstone, taking walks, etc.

Grandpa feeding Davis using the old airplane trick.

Showing off a tadpole he caught at a pond near the cabin. 

Davis's first trip to Campfire Lodge for breakfast:

Canoeing the headwaters of Hebgen Lake

Boys will be boys! ;)

We can't get enough of this place and are heading back again in a few weeks!

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