Monday, January 29, 2018

Christmas Eve/ Day

I loved having Christmas Eve on a Sunday. If I could do it that way every year, I would. I think it is such a great way to focus on the Savior and I loved our musical program for sacrament meeting at church. 

All dressed in their Sunday best:

This is how most of Molly's pictures look. She wasn't feeling like getting her picture taken and was upset every time her dad put her down!

As long as she was being held, things were ok :)

On Christmas Eve night, we went to Emily and Dave's and had dinner with Dave's extended family also. Matt Terry (married Dave's sister and they happen to live a street over from us) shared a cool story about his grandpa making fudge out of his rations in the army and sharing with his bunkmates. A book about this came out near Christmas called "Lieutenant Terry's Christmas Fudge," and it was fun to hear Matt tell it. 

After hanging out at the Heinholds, we headed for home and continued our tradition with letting our kids open one present on Christmas Eve. The boys all opened their Hess trucks from Nana and Papa, and Molly opened her stuffed animal she got from grandma and grandpa. All were a big hit and got the kids even more excited for Christmas morning.

Tracking Santa before hopping into bed!

The kids must have been good this year, because Santa came!

Christmas Day

Jackson and Bode have been wanting new bikes for months and their patience paid off. They were both very excited about their new bikes. Davis even ended up getting a little balance bike also!

Nerf guns!

A Cabbage Patch Doll for Molly girl. So fun having girly things around. She got pretend makeup, dolls, Calico Critters, etc. and was so excited.

One gift I was really excited about were the blog books I had made for our family. It was a surprise and the whole family seemed excited to flip through them. Printing our blog into books is something I have wanted to do for a really long time, and I am so glad I finally did it. I made a book for each year since starting our blog in 2008! It's fun to have it in tangible form and look back. I like having something the kids can easily look through. It did take a decent amount of time, but it surprisingly wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. As soon as I get caught up with the blog, I'll be ready to print another book for 2017!

I always love a good aftermath picture

Giving the new bike a spin. 

I look forward to Christmas dinner more than any other dinner of the year. Our prime rib turned out so yummy this year! 

I feel grateful for my Savior and for another merry Christmas with the ones I love this year. 

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