Tuesday, January 30, 2018

New Year's Eve cabin trip

We had so much fun heading up to the Meines' cabin with a group of friends to ring in the New Year. We headed up after church on New Year's Eve and had a blast spending the next couple days playing games, sledding, and celebrating Jackson turning 9!

On New Year's Day We all sang to Jackson and Houston, (whose birthday is a couple days later). 

Molly and Holland wearing twin pajamas :)

We haven't had a lot of snow this winter, so it was fun going to their cabin and having enough snow to sled!

Everyone got in on the action.

Molly loved sledding and kept giggling on the way down. 

Sean and the guys had fun making their own trails-- complete with a running/jumping start.

Sean and I talked a lot about what a great year 2017 was for our family. Here's to hoping for a great 2018 as well!

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