Thursday, January 25, 2018

Christmas happenings

December is always a bit crazy, but I love celebrating Christmas throughout the entire month. 

We started December off visiting the Alpine living nativity. It is a huge production up in Alpine set up to make you feel like you've gone back to the time of the Savior's birth. There are animals, people dressed in costume, and a barn full of booths where you learn more about that time period. At the end there is a live nativity and you finish with hot chocolate. It is something our family has done for the past several years and we really come to look forward to it. This year we brought a few friends along to join the fun. 


Roman soldier

Another tradition our kids love is decorating gingerbread houses. I always mumble about the work it takes, but am always happy in the end that we do it. Every year I think I am just going to buy the kits, but Jackson really has it set in his mind that he wants the homemade ones. It didn't used to be as big of a deal, but now that we have four kids it is quite the process to do homemade! I'm not giving up on the kits quite yet though! :)

Molly got to decorate her own gingerbread cookie. She chose to decorate the entire thing in gumballs :)

Finished product: Jackson on the left, then Bode, Davis and Sean, Me, and Molly in front

After failing in my attempt to make toffee last year, I was determined to get it right this year and give it away as neighbor gifts. I made SO many batches of toffee and I am happy to report all but 2 batches (out of probably 9) turned out great! Giving neighbors gifts is one of my favorite things to do in December and I thought the packaging turned out cute with these this year. 

It wouldn't be Christmas without the school programs. Davis's preschool program was really cute and he did such a good job performing! There was a number they sang where they picked up an inflatable guitar and danced, and he was so cute. Sean couldn't make it because of a work obligation he could not get out of (try as he might), but Davis was so excited that his friend Jude came!

I didn't really get any good pictures of Jackson and Bode's Christmas sing at school, but it was also great and something we look forward to every year also.

I was lucky enough this year to get tickets to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert. We weren't able to go last year and I missed it. It is always such a great concert and fun to be at temple square with the lights. This year we were able to go with my parents and it was amazing as always. 

Another tradition we have is checking out the Christmas window displays inside the Grand America. It's so fun and nice that it is inside where it is warm. The giant gingerbread house is always a bit hit. Molly was fun this year-- she liked running down the long halls screaming.

Swimming at Little America

We always procrastinate a bit at getting around to see Santa, but it was good timing this year, because standing behind us in line was this guy from Studio C (a comedy show sort of like SNL created by BYU students and filmed in Utah). Our kids LOVE the show and they were really excited to meet Jeremy Warner.

Molly didn't want anything to do with Santa this year. I sort of love crying Santa pictures and I am happy I have one now :)

She cheered right up when we walked across the street to the toy store.

Since Christmas Eve was on Sunday this year, we met up with the Heinholds and my brother Todd and a few of his kids the day before and went bowling (Julie and Lincoln stayed behind so Lincoln could nap). It's fun having family around and my kids live for hanging out with their cousins.

Lots of fun things to celebrate Christmas this year!

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