Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Ricks family Christmas tree 2017

Our tradition of cutting down our own tree continued this year and we had a great time searching for our tree. We went to a new area this year and it was a beautiful day. I really look forward to this tradition perhaps more than any other. 

It really was such a beautiful area and day! With the recent snowfall, there were a few trucks we saw stuck in the snow and Sean helped pull them out. We parked in what looked like a good spot and started the hunt!

After searching for 10-15 minutes we found this beauty across a little stream, standing all by itself in a clearing. It was perfect!

Family picture taken with my cell phone (on a timer) and propped on the chainsaw.

Hauling the tree back to the car was quite the work out this year. We had to cross back over that stream and for some reason this tree was much heavier than in years past! Jackson and Bode had fun breaking the ice in the stream while we trekked to the car. 

Molly and Davis had had enough of the snow and I laughed when I saw Molly in the front seat claiming my soda as her own!

We successfully made it to the car and got it loaded up!

The kids were a bit worn out on the drive home :)

We ended up cutting off about a foot or so when we got home and it was perfect! This is our tallest tree yet. Too much taller and it would have hit the ceiling!

As per tradition, we decorated the tree in new Christmas pajamas and each kid hung their new ornament. 

Intermission with lava flows!

This year's new ornaments:
Top (left to right): Jackson, Bode
Bottom: Davis, Molly

The tree was beautiful all lit up! Every year I think it is our best yet.

I'm always sad when our tree comes down, but this year, instead of just throwing it to the curb, we cut up the trunk and are going to use it as fire wood in our fire pit this summer. For some reason, that made me feel better about taking it down!

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