Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Jackson: A year in photos age 8-9

Here is my annual birthday installment of my favorite pictures of Jackson from the past year. He's grown up on me a lot this year. He keeps getting taller and I tease him all the time I need to fatten him up! We are so lucky to have him in our family. 

Some highlights from his year:
-Started cub scouts
-Was baptized and confirmed a member of the church
-Took trips to Hawaii, Glacier National Park, Goblin Valley, Jackson Hole, Island Park
-Played baseball, basketball, flag football, continued skiing, ran AF Canyon kids run
-Discovered he loves shrimp (after eating at Giovanni's on Oahu)
-Built and raced a soapbox derby car
-Saw an eclipse in totality
-3rd year of piano lessons
-Started 3rd grade

Birthday questionnaire:

Other notes about Jackson:
-Still loves reading and reads in bed every night. Sometimes I have to tell him to quit reading so much and go play!
-Loves Star Wars
-Says basketball is his favorite sport and is enjoying playing on a Bantam team this year
-Doesn't like being teased about girls :)
-Loves playing with his friends and they all seem to be obsessed with video games 
-Almost always eats a toasted bagel with Nutella for breakfast
-Wears a size 6 shoe and we have to size up in shirts and pants for height
-Favorite foods/restaurants: Cafe rio steak burrito (which he can finish sometimes!), shrimp, fried rice, french dip sandwiches, chicken noodle soup, clementines

Finally, here are my favorite pictures of Jackson from the past year!



Cedar Breaks

Meeting Dr. Blauer (our fertility doctor who helped us with IVF to get Jackson)

Last day of 2nd grade

Father and sons campout

Piano recital

BYU football camp (pictured with Coach Sitake)

Jackson Hole

All Stars baseball tournament (his team took 2nd place)

AF Canyon kids run

Soapbox derby

Glacier National Park trip

First day of 3rd grade

Goblin Valley

Hike to Timp Cave

3rd grade picture

Family pictures

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