Saturday, December 1, 2018

All the fall things!

We took advantage of a beautiful fall! We took the kids apple picking for family home evening one night at an orchard in Alpine where we like to stop and buy fresh pressed cider every year. This year they opened up a u-pick and we loved it! It was a really beautiful night and the orchard was so pretty. We picked honey crisp apples and the trees were loaded.

Since our pumpkins didn't fare so well this year (again) we are lucky to have a pumpkin patch on the farm behind our house! The kids each picked out a pumpkin for carving and they had a petting zoo, slide, pony rides, etc.

I joined my sister and her kids for an outing to Cornbelly's one afternoon. It was crowded and I always feel a little frazzled going, but it ended up being a good time and the kids had fun. 

Finally, I am loving how fast our autumn blaze maples are growing in the back yard. When the sunset light hits them they are so beautiful!

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