Sunday, December 2, 2018


Another Halloween come and gone and it was a good one! 

2018's pumpkins:

I dressed up as "Deb" from Napoleon Dynamite for Halloween bunco this year. I taught myself how to make boondoggle keychains on our drive to California to help complete the outfit! 

I also dressed up in Jackson's old Whoopie Cushion costume Halloween morning for a run with my running friends! :)

Halloween parade at school!

This year's costumes:

Napoleon Dynamite


Storm trooper

And Minnie Mouse

Charlie was even festive as a Beanie Baby

If you opened his tag it even had his name inside. :)

We did our annual chili dinner with some friends before trick-or-treating. The kids had a great time going around the neighborhood and they got a TON of candy (to add to the already ridiculous amounts they got trick-or-treating in Disneyland).

I loved walking around with the little kids and ran into Jackson and Bode with their friends as we were going around. I am so glad to live in such a fun neighborhood where my kids have lots of friends around!

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