Sunday, April 26, 2020

Easter 2020

We started our Easter celebration a few days early with our annual Easter egg dyeing. This year we had bunny and unicorn eggs, as well as ones the kids colored using the rock tumbler/spinner, and designs they came up with on their own. 

The kids woke up Easter morning and found their baskets! We did an egg hunt throughout the house and then had bunny pancakes for breakfast. 

Onto the real reason for celebrating, we were excited about the unique opportunity to worship at home this Easter Sunday. The night before, as I was ironing the boys' shirts and had them hanging on the ironing board all in a row, it was such a moving sight to me. I felt such gratitude for what each of those shirts meant. I still pause at times in almost disbelief that we are a family of six. This year I made Molly's Easter dress and matching bowties for the boys. When I hung them all up, all pressed and ready for the next day, I felt such gratitude! I decided early on I would still make Molly an Easter dress. The fact that we wouldn't be participating in a public church service did not mean we wouldn't get dressed up in our Easter best to celebrate the Savior. I know the Lord doesn't care what we are wearing, but I am hoping it helped press upon the kids how special this day is and convey some of its significance. 

We had a great experience worshiping at home and talking about the resurrection and taking the sacrament. The kids were good sports in letting me take their picture all dressed up. It was so nice to see them all dressed up! 

 We had a really yummy Easter dinner and my rolls even made my mom proud! 

My parents surprised us by calling us and telling us they were in our driveway. We haven't seen them for several weeks and didn't think we'd see them anytime soon with the virus restricting travel and with social distancing guidelines. We were really excited to see them, though it felt really strange not being able to get very close to each other or hug them! It was great to see their faces in person. Overall, I'd say one of the best Easters I can remember!

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