Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Molly turns 4!

Molly just had a birthday and is now a big four-year-old! This year her birthday fell on the Friday before Easter, with Bode's birthday following on Monday. We had a lot to celebrate in those few days!

We of course took some pictures to document the birthday girl turning four.

I wasn't sure how her birthday would turn out with social distancing and all of the limitations with the virus. Thankfully, she ended up having a really great birthday and it was so fun to celebrate her! Her day started with a trip with her dad to get donuts (her favorite). Then her preschool teacher dropped off a little present and birthday crown. Sean and I surprised she and Bode with a bouncy house we rented for their birthdays and set up in our backyard. The bouncy house was a HUGE hit with all of the kids and they played on it all day. Molly had been saying she really wants to play at the park "when the virus is over" so it was fun to see her playing and having a great time. 

The birthday kiddos

Our neighborhood started putting on drive-by birthday parades every week or so and Molly and Bode's parade happened to fall on Molly's birthday. It was fun that they both got to celebrate together and it was so fun for them to sit and have the line of cars pass and throw them treats and honk and yell out happy birthday. They felt pretty awesome! We are very fortunate to live where we do and be surrounded by so many awesome friends and neighbors. 

After the parade, we got take out from Chubby's at her request. She wanted their mac and cheese and scones for dinner. She opened a bunch of presents after dinner and was really excited about the toy vacuum, camera, legos, and little girl perfume she got.

Molly loves a tv show called "True and the Rainbow Kingdom" that she watches often. She has been asking for a True birthday cake for a long time. This cake was so much fun for me to make. I thought it turned out so cute and she loved it!

With candles :)

I am SO happy this girl is ours! We love her sweet, fun personality. I love that she is girly, but brave. She is my sidekick and loves to be with me and help me with whatever I am doing, but is also independent and can spend hours finding things to do and entertain herself. She adores her brothers and is such a happy kid. It is very, very rare for her to throw a tantrum. She is shy but kind and loyal. She loves to laugh and makes us all happy with her cute little voice. I love her so much!

Molly's four-year questionnaire

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