Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Christmas tree 2020

 With Thanksgiving behind us, it was time to find our Christmas tree. We followed tradition by going the weekend before Thanksgiving to cut one down. We went back to the same area we went last year and found a winner! It was a bit more of a search this year. The tree we had sort of spotted earlier in the fall wasn't as accessible with all of the snow, so we took a bit of a hike and were able to find a great one. It's hard to tell in the picture, but it is the tree right behind us in the photo. We had to carry it through fairly deep snow and over lots of big logs, but it was fun and part of the adventure!


The kids always love to sled and play in the snow. 

We got the tree set up and lit before Thanksgiving and decorated it after we got home the following weekend. The kids all picked out a new ornament to order online this year. It was actually sort of nice to just order them online! 

Everyone helped decorate the tree and the kids were excited to get out all of their ornaments from years past and put on their new pajama bottoms. I let them each pick out the flannel for their pajamas and ended up sewing them all while we were quarantined for Covid. 

And of course, we kept up our tradition of making lava flows after we were done!

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