Monday, February 1, 2021

Davis turns 7!

 The day after Thanksgiving, Davis turned 7! He was also born the day after Thanksgiving, so it was interesting thinking enough years have gone by since he was born to repeat! 

I took a few photos of him when we got our family pictures done. He's such a handsome little 7-year old, and I love the gaps in his smile with his lost teeth!

We threw Davis a birthday party before we left for Idaho Falls for Thanksgiving. We had originally planned to throw him a little party the weekend before, but Utah's governor issued a mandate to stay home and limit contact to family only because the Covid numbers and deaths were high. We held off and waited for the mandate to end before we squeezed in a little party before the holiday. 

For his party we did a bunch of little challenges for the boys and it ended up being the easiest and probably the most fun birthday party any of my kids have had. The first challenge was to create and decorate a paper airplane, then launch it off of our second story balcony and try to land it on a blanket we put below. It was hard, but the boys loved it!

We had a ping pong ball challenge where you have to bounce the ball once and try to land it in a bucket on the other side of the net. The boys trie and tried, and just when we thought it might be impossible, Davis got one in! His reaction and the reaction from his friends was so cute. They were all jumping up and down and cheering and it was so much fun to watch these little friends together. 

There was also a Nerf gun challenge where we set up plastic cups in a pyramid and had them shoot the cups and see who could knock down the most. We capped it off with a piñata and cake and presents. I'm always so grateful for my kids' friends and love seeing them all together. Davis requested chocolate bundt cake this year.

We also took him out to dinner to his choice, Tucanos. With Davis's birthday falling the day after Thanksgiving, we decided to take his gifts from Sean and I up to Idaho Falls. We celebrated by going to see a new movie, "The Croods 2" at the movie theater, which was a big deal because we hadn't seen a movie in more than six months because of the pandemic. We ordered pizza for dinner and let him open his gifts from his grandparents and Sean and I. It was fun for him to have some of his cousins around to help him celebrate.

I thank my lucky stars to have Davis in our family. He is such a good unifier and brings a lot of joy and laughter to our home. 

A few notes on Davis at 7:
-LOVES to play games and asks to play a game pretty much every day. He catches on quickly and often wins! 
-Loves sports: baseball, soccer, basketball, and flag football
-Can make a friend with just about anyone
-Loves to play with his friends and siblings and always looking for a someone to play with
-Doesn't have as big of a sweet tooth as the rest of us and often passes on dessert
-Loves to read and especially loves Elephant and Piggie books
-Loves to play video games, especially Rocket League and Zelda
-Quick to help and ask how he can help

Here is Davis's 7-year questionnaire:

And here is the translation ;)
1. Green
2. Motorcycle
3. My bear, "Iceberg." He got this bear from Little America at Christmas
4. Iceberg 
5. Apples
6. Reese's Pieces
7. Chocolate Croissants
8. Chicken nuggets
9. Cake
10. Sprite
11. Mac and cheese
12. Cheetah
13. I will surprise my friend by Mo Willems
14. Silent Night
15. Throw throw burrito
16. Buddy Thunderstruck on Netflix
17. Croods 2
18. Football
19. Levi
20. Basketball player

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