We were fortunate enough to be invited to spend another New Year's at our friends' cabin again this year. We always look forward to this trip. Lots of games, food, snow, and sledding. This year there was more snow than I think I've ever seen up there. It was so fun! We loved sledding down the big hill. It is crazy to think how many years we have been doing this and just watching our kids grow up before our very eyes. They were so young when we started this. Grateful for the Meines' generosity for hosting us every year.
Monday, October 9, 2023
New Year's cabin trip with friends
Sunday, October 8, 2023
We had an awesome Christmas this year. For the last few years we have gone to Top Golf on Christmas Eve and that has been a lot of fun. It gives us something to do other than just wait for Christmas Day. We also went the Heinholds for dinner. When we got home we let each kid unwrap their gift from Sean's parents. Bode also let Molly unwrap a gift to her from him. He heard her say one day while we were skiing at Alta that she really wanted a stuffed porcupine from the gift shop. He ran back and bought it for her. I thought that was such a nice thing for him to do and I was proud of him for thinking of her. Davis and Molly kept close eye on the Santa tracker on the computer and all of the kids slept in Bode's room.
We woke up bright and early Christmas morning and found Santa had come!
Christmas was on a Sunday this year, so we were able to go to church on Christmas morning. It was really nice to be able to go and worship Christ's birth on Christmas Day. Our ward did sacrament meeting only and it was all musical, which I loved. Bode had a little solo in the song the primary sang (called "If I Were There") and it might have been my favorite part of Christmas. I told him it was his Christmas present to me.
After we got home we opened all of our gifts to each other from under the tree. I loved how thoughtful the kids were in giving gifts this year and Molly's cute little wrapping and notes made me smile. The kids were all excited about their gifts this year and I think everyone felt like they had a great Christmas.
Christmas dinner turned out awesome this year. We make the same thing every year and we all look forward to it. I always hold my breath hoping I've cooked the prime rib correctly. My parents stayed with us for Christmas and it was fun to have them with us. We played a new game we got after dinner and overall it was just a very nice day.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Molly's Christmas dance recital
Molly did an awesome job in her Christmas dance recital! She danced to "Need a Little Christmas"and it was darling. Sean was bummed to be out of town for work and Bode had a game, but Jackson, Davis, and I were there to cheer her on.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Annual gingerbread houses and other Christmas things
Decorating gingerbread houses is always a highlight of the season. The kids worked hard on their houses this year and they turned out really cute. I have a system down to having all of the houses ready to just assemble beforehand so it makes the night much more enjoyable on my end, too!
I had to take a picture from behind because Charlie is in his classic position.
We had our annual breakfast at Little America and then walked the windows at the Grand America. We have taken a picture of these cousins in front of the giant gingerbread house every year for many years!
I was able to attend the Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert with my mom this year and it was really fun to go with just she and I. The music is always such an awesome way to get into the Christmas spirit.
Ricks family Christmas tree and ornaments 2022
It was one of the snowiest years yet finding our Christmas tree this year. We found an awesome tree, and then as always, had some fun playing in the snow. It's nice having a few kids old enough to help haul the tree to the car!
Home, decorated, and ready for Christmas!
Davis turns 9!
Davis is 9!
We had a big birthday party for Davis about a week before his actual birthday since it was so close to Thanksgiving. We reserved the church gym and had the boys do competitions for prizes and played the big Saran Wrap ball game. I think the boys had a great time. There were a few kids who ended up shedding some tears of disappointment when they didn't win, but overall it was great.
On Davis's actual birthday he chose to go to Tucanos for dinner. After that, it was home for presents and cake! He got the double shot basketball hoop and basketball shoes he wanted.
We sure love our Davis. Such a great kid and we are so lucky to have him in our family. He never asks for much, is easy going, smart, loves to pretend like he's asleep so he'll get carried, can make friends with just about anyone, and loves playing all types of games with family and friends.
Davis's 9-year-old questionnaire: