Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Davis's Halloween costume: Buddy the Elf

I've thought for a few years about how cute Davis would be as Buddy the Elf for Halloween. Last year he didn't want to dress up as Buddy, but this year he did, and I was so excited! I looked online thinking I'd probably be able to find a good costume, but all of the ones I could find were not very cute and very cheap looking. I decided to try my hand at making his costume, and it turned out to be one of the most fun things I have ever made! 

For the jacket, I just used felt and made my own pattern by tracing one of his sweatshirts and adding on length for the split front. I expected this to be a train wreck, but it came together so easily! I added the faux fur collars (which I learned faux fur is so messy when cut) and added the cute gold trim detail. I bought a pair of yellow leggings online, borrowed the belt from an old Santa costume we have, and made a simple hat. 

The hardest part was probably creating little elf shoe slipcovers that we slipped over a pair of his nikes. I bought some faux suede I was so happy with how it all turned out, and so was he!

He looked adorable as Buddy!


After trick or treating, I was sad for Davis to take off his costume! He was the cutest Buddy the Elf. It seriously made me so happy seeing him in his costume. 

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