Well, I'm starting the last leg—hello third trimester! As you can see, my tummy has definitely grown this past month. Oh, and in case you've noticed, I am wearing the same outfit each time I take one of these pictures. This is on purpose! According to my pregnancy book, I'm supposed to be gaining about a pound a week now—yikes! I've noticed in the last two weeks or so people are starting to feel comfortable enough to ask me when I am due. Most of the curious stares of "Is she pregnant?" are gone. I'm actually really happy about this because it means I look pregnant, not just fat. When I weighed myself the other day I had gained 18 pounds. It's amazing how different 18 pounds can make you feel. I already feel like I waddle when I walk (something I am consciously working very hard to correct)! A new friend named heartburn also decided to show up a couple of weeks ago. I've never had it before, so I'm a wuss about it. I really can't complain though—I know I have been pretty lucky thus far since I generally feel like life is moving on as normal.
In more "baby news," I scored an awesome crib a few weeks ago. There is a warehouse in Orem that makes baby furniture and sells it to high-end retailers. Their cribs are usually around $600-$700 in stores, but they are going out of business and decided to open doors to the public to get rid of the inventory. I happened to run across an ad and decided to go check it out. I really wasn't expecting much, but I am so glad I went because I picked up this baby:
It's SOLID wood and the sturdiest crib I've found so far. It's a really pretty cherry stain and just seems like it's high quality. The best part? I bought it for $200. That is cheaper than the cheapest one I could find at Target (after shipping). I like this crib much better than anything else I have seen—including Pottery Barn Kids. If you are looking for a crib, e-mail me and I'll give you directions to this place!
As you can also see in the picture, we painted the nursery. It's a really light, pretty blue (think robin's egg). Being amateur painters, I was kind of nervous about how it would turn out, but I have to say I think we did a pretty darn good job! No major accidents or spills. Thank goodness for Sean's steady hand—he free handed the ceiling line. I tried fit or about 20 seconds and we both decided it would be best if we left that task to Sean. :)
And for one final baby-related story: Sean had his head on my tummy this morning trying to see if he could hear the baby's heartbeat. I hadn't noticed the baby kicking much, but as soon as Sean put his head on my stomach, he kicked him hard in the face! We both burst out laughing and I just told him it looks like he's going to be a mamma's boy! ;)
Jenny, you look so cute with that tiny belly! I think I'm over a month behind you and my belly is rivaling yours. And, the fact that you are still in the same outfit (ie "normal" clothes) that you started with is mildly disgusting to me. LUCKY!
That crib is awesome! I'm totally jealous that you found such a great deal. That blue color is so nice too, not too bright, just nice and crisp looking.
Oh, and try Tums for that heartburn. It works wonders for me when I'm pregnant, maybe it will for you too? Ah, the joys of pregnancy....
That is just too cute, all of it. We are just SO happy for you guys, and so excited for you. Congratulations again, and good deal on the crib!
Okay I just wrote you a huge e-mail, but then had to write a comment about how cute you look. I can't wait to see you.
Ok, your little pregnant belly, looks like my unpregnant belly after eating! You're so tiny!! Seriously! You're too cute! And how awesome that you scored such a nice crib, for a freaking bargain price! LUCKY GIRL YOU!
That is so cool that you got a smokin' deal on your crib!! Nice! I love your crib! Good deals are always so nice to find!
hey check out on my page baby steals on my fav. blog page I think you'll like it! every day at 9am they put up one baby item that is discounted by about 50% some awesome stuff pops up!
It's so fun decorating for the baby huh? Nice Crib. Cute belly. You look like you're only about four, maybe five months. I guess it's because you're tall!
You look great of course. Good job on the crib deal. We still don't have a crib, I'm lazy and haven't gotten one. I guess I'd better get moving though, only 1 more month! Yikes.
Hooray I feel better that you finally look pregnant! I get heartburn too and I hate tums and rolaids and stuff, so I find a glass of milk (the chocolate variety is my favorite!) always helps me! I still am wondering if no one could come up with a better way to procreate. Why such a pain in the butt? I have no idea! Men!!!
LUCKY! You look GREAT! I as well have hearrburn, and I take tums, it tastes nasty, but it is gone within a minute. You will be glad at the end that you carry so well, I'm already crying to Jared, saying I can't believe I have 3 more months to go. Your crib and baby room paint look adorable, good luck with everything!
This picture does you justice! You are so cute prego! I think tall girls like you are lucky lou's!
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